1. Raw material
• Paper pulp used for Pyrene papers, comes from virgin pulp. Fibers are longer than the usual recycled fibers in order to obtain a high quality and strength on a very thin paper.
• It comes from sustainable managed forests
in Scandinavia, Finland and Scandinavia.
Paper pulp is shipped from Finland to our Production Unit PLM by boat and lorries.
• Choice of whitening process : selected paper pulp is ECF quality (Elementary Chlorine Free) e.g. oxygen-base whitening process, hydrogen peroxide and chlorine dioxide instead of elementary chlorine.
2. Production
• Production of Pyrène paper is specifically economical with resources and low polluting.
Waste of Pyrene paper production in 80% under the legal authorized values.
• Suppliers are also selected for their Environmental Commitment. Most of them have set up Environmental Management System (EMS) and all certified by ISO 14001.
3. Transport
• Pyrène tissue paper's logistics are organised from our Production Plant to Clients by lorry.
• The low density (18gsm) of Pyrene papers enable to optimize volume and masses for low transport costs.
• Our landing procedures guarantee the optimization of lorry shipments.
4. Utilization
• Particularly thin (18gsm), "PYRENE" tissue papers range will perfectly fulfill all applications where thin paper is required. "PYRENE" range tissue papers are capable of saving high energy and material consumption on paper producing, our tissue papers save energy an material
• The bigger is the surface used the more Pyrene Tissue Papers can save energy and raw material.
5. Completion of Life Cycle
• Pyrene Tissue Paper is 100% recyclable and 100% biodegradable
• Pyrene Tissue Paper has limited impact on the environment
A Company committed to constant development
Commitment No. 1: a clean renewable energy and consumptions under control !
70% of energy comes from our hydro-electric turbines installed in the River "Le Lez".
An ambitious economic policy in all production sectors is ratified by an energy diagnosis carried out by a freelance consulting company: EVEA in Nantes, France.
Commitment No. 2: Preserving resources.
Water consumption was reduced by 70% during the last decade.
Initially virgin pulps come from sustainable managed forests.
Complete making of paper pulps guarantees resources preservation and a total economic development of waste products.
Commitment No. 3: Controlling our waste.
Our Production Unit reduced emission by 98% in water for matters in suspension and by 80% DCO during the last 10 years. Effluents of Pyrene Tissue Papers are 80% under the legal agreements and without any toxic impact on the Environment. An active policy of waste treatment in appropriate networks is ensured.

ECOlogie / ECOnomie : We're part of a pilot project in the Midi-Pyrénées region, organised and run by the economic development agency AGATE, with technical and financial support from ADEME (Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maitrise de l'Energie) and DRIRE (Direction Régionale de l'Industrie, de la Recherche et de l'Environnement).